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The ROSPSPC database table contains a list of sources detected by the Standard Analysis Software System (SASS) in public, unfiltered, pointed PSPC datasets. In addition to the parameters returned by SASS (like position, count rate, likelihood, etc.) each source in the table has associated with it a set of source and sequence "flags." These flags are provided by the ROSAT data centers in the US, Germany and the UK to help the user of the ROSPSPC database table quickly judge the reliability of a given source.

The ROSPSPC table excludes sources that meet the following parameter criteria: false_det = 'T' or deferred = 'T' or not_checked = 'T'. See the documentation below for descriptions of these parameters.

The catalog consists of all primary source parameters from the automated detection algorithm employed by the SASS. In addition each observation has been quality checked, both by automatic algorithms and by detailed visual inspection. The results of this quality checking are contained as a set of logical-value flags for a set of principal source parameters. If a source parameter is suspect, the associated flag is set to "TRUE"; parameters with no obvious problems maintain the default, "FALSE", value.

ROSHRI Catalog

The ROSHRI data table contains a list of sources detected by the Standard Analysis Software System (SASS) in reprocessed, public HRI datasets. In addition to the parameters returned by SASS (like position, count rate, signal-to-noise, etc.) each source in the table has associated with it a set of source and sequence "flags." These flags are provided by the ROSAT data centers in the US, Germany and the UK to help the user of the ROSHRI database table quickly judge the reliability of a given source.

The ROSHRI table excludes sources that meet the following parameter criteria: false_det = 'T' or deferred = 'T' or not_checked = 'T' or un_unique ='T'. See the documentation below for descriptions of these parameters.

These data have been screened by ROSAT data centers in the US, Germany, and the UK as a step in the production of the ROSAT Results Archive. The RRA contains extracted source and associated products with an indication of reliability for the primary parameters.

WGACAT Catalog

WGACAT is a point source catalog generated from all ROSAT PSPC pointed observations. This catalog has been generated by N.E. White (HEASARC/GSFC), P. Giommi (SDC/ASI) and L. Angelini (HEASARC/GSFC) and is a private research effort, not related to the official catalogs generated by the ROSAT project. The WGACAT was made first publicly available in November 1994 through the HEASARC on-line service (White, Giommi and Angelini 1994), with a first minor revision in March 1995 (WGACAT95 hereafter). It was generated using all the public ROSAT PSPC pointed data available than, corresponding to 75 % of the entire set, and featured ~ 68000 detections of which 62000 were unique sources. The current version, released in May 2000 (see also the update section), is the final and complete version of WGACAT and includes the remaining sequences not processed in the WGACAT95. WGACAT (May 2000) contains about 88,000 detections, with more than 84,000 individual sources, obtained from 4160 sequences.

The catalog was generated using an optimized sliding cell detect algorithm in XIMAGE (first developed for the EXOSAT project). The inner and outer parts of the images were run separately, to maximize the sensitivity to source detection. This method is very sensitive in finding point sources, but can also find spurious sources where there is extended emission. We have visually inspected each detection, removed the obvious spurious cases and assigned a quality flag to each detection.

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